
the 4-Dimensioned Canvas: Theatrical Design in the 21st Century

This 30 minute inspirational talk focusses on the nature of what we do as designers. The story of a job in Cambodia to light a shadow puppet show brings up issues of cultural translation, the nature of inspiration, budgets and finding and fighting for the right solution with all of the tools available to us. 

Clifton Taylor and Color: or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the LED

Developed for the 2016 LDI Convention, this hugely popular 2-3 hour practical seminar touches on the history of stage lighting and LEDs and how we got to the place we are today. Essential information for Lighting Designers and Facility Managers who are looking for how to move forward with the deployment of  LED equipment in their shows and venues, as well as super practical information about how to evaluate new LED equipment and how to transition to the world of new kinds of color choices and control: metamerism, color paths, navigating color spaces and more. 

The Color Lecture

This now famous 2-3 hour practical talk on the nature of color and light has become a much sought after seminar for professional, graduate level and college level designers and artists who work with light and color. The seminar is very engaging and demonstrates many topics that are extremely important when working with color and light.  Not limited to lighting designers, the color lecture has proved to be invaluable for Costume and Scenic Designers as well as Directors and Choreographers. 

Dance Lighting: the missing manual

How does dance lighting differ from theater and opera lighting? How does one approach lighting in an 'empty space'? How has dance lighting evolved from the time of Jean Rosenthal's pioneering Martha Graham work, Nick Cernovitch's color experiments and Tom Skelton's development of the standardized repertory plot? Mr. Taylor's 30 year career as a designer for performances around the world inform this 3 hour practical seminar on lighting the dance. This seminar is intended for choreographers as well as designers. 

Ruminations on Darkness: a 15 minute TED style Talk

This short but dynamic and thought-provoking talk is designed to change the way one thinks about light and lighting design to focus on creating beautiful and meaningful shadows and darkness. 

For more information on bringing These or any other seminars to your institution, please contact me here.